pass it on

flüstergewürz is a long-distance, collaborative project involving families and friends, neighbors and strangers, artists and non-artists, to contemplate concepts such as home, trust, memory, migration, and separation. below is my american version of my mom's recipe for nuremberg gingerbread. please use this as a basis to create your own cookies.

2.6 cups honey/bit of maple syrup

1.5 cups ground nuts (cashews, pecans/hickory, walnuts)

8 TS butter

2 eggs

zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon

2.6 cups cornmeal

½ tsp allspice

1 tsp vanilla

2 TS candied chili peppers

½ tsp dried chili peppers

½ tsp ground ancho chile pepper

¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

combine all ingredients and let stand on a warm place, covered, for eight days. use cookie cutters or other shapes to form cookies. preheat oven to 315°f and bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes.

for my version i substitute ingredients found in traditional nuremberg gingerbread, such as cinnamon, ginger, hazelnuts and almonds with ingredients indigenous to america. i call it chilibread.

ancient names for gingerbread are honey bread (egypt), pepper cake, and honey cake. gingerbread can be stored for many months and is said to only get better with time.

collaborate with me and make your version of chilibread. bring me some of your cookies as well as your recipe. participate in an international collaboration between american and german bakers. i would like to collect these recipes and publish them in a book.

contact: angelika.rinnhofer(at)