chilibread for amherst

i have five people's chilibread to take up to amherst for my performance. my mom's, my friends moni, kirsten, and lisa's, and my own.

fluestergewuerz performance at umass/amherst

On March 31 I will be driving up to Amherst to participate in a group show titled "Here, There, and Everywhere", as part of Transcultural Exchange's conference on international collaborations in Boston in early April. I will conduct the performance element of "Fluestergewuerz", the project I showed in Berlin last year, during the opening reception. I will be handing out chilibread, made by a number of friends and family members in Germany as well as the US, who all made their versions of my recipe. There will be audio as well as visual components installed for the duration of the show. Here's the invite:

The bakers for this performance were:
Annemarie Rinnhofer, Monika Lenzer, Lisa Townley, Kirsten Kuccer, Thank you so much for your contributions! You will be at the performance in spirit and with your chilibread cookies.